Allan Holdsworth: In the Mystery - Vol.1 & 2 Combined - A Deconstruction of the Harmony, Melody, Compositions and Improvisations of Allan HoldsworthEbook - $97 · When you purchase the book, you will get a PDF of 1,100+ pages.
In The Mystery: Volume 1 - Includes:
Allan Holdsworth Transcriptions:
San Onofre - solo only
Above & Below
The Drums Were Yellow (updated)
Material Unreal
Devil Take the Hindmost
Tokyo Dream
Low Levels, High Stakes
Lead Sheets: Tokyo Dream
Low Levels, High Stakes
Texas Devil Take the Hindmost
Letters of Marque
The Sixteen men of Tain
Allan Holdsworth Voicing Compendium: These are voicings from Allan's tunes.
In The Mystery: Volume 2 - Includes:
Line Compendium: 230+ lines taken from Allan Holdsworth's solos and categorized by scale.
Scale Compendium: includes all 1,749 scales contained in Allan's infamous "Phonebook from Hell." Every 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 note scale possible within the chromatic scale. As well as, the scales with any scale containing more than 4-semi-tones in a row removed, just as Allan did. Totals scales after removing any with more than 4-semi-tones in a row totals 1,307 scales. After removing any scale that is a mode, we are left with 217 parent scales. A separate compendium with names for each parent scale is also included.
22. Allan Holdsworth Line Compendium
Pentatonic & Blues Scale Lines
Major Scale Lines
Melodic Minor Lines
Harmonic Minor, Harmonic Major & Hungarian Minor Lines
Eight-Note Jazz Scale Lines
Nine-Note Jazz Scale Lines
Messiaen Lines
23. Scales Compendium (Phone Book from Hell)
All 1,749 Scales
1,307 Scales 4 Semitones or Less
217 Parent Scales
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